The Influence of Self-Belief

Nishma Mohideen
6 min readJun 28, 2021


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This week, I stumbled upon a fantastic self-help Ebook edition of Norman Vincent Peale’s The Power of Positive Thinking, which was originally published in 1952 by Prentice Hall.

In this article, I’ll go over a few things that were presented in the same way as they were in the book so that you can learn how to live a fulfilled life that works for you.

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Believe in yourself

Believe in your abilities. You can’t be successful or happy until you have a modest but fair belief in your own abilities. With the tone of self-assurance, though, you can succeed. A sense of inferiority and inadequacy disrupts the achievement of your desires, yet self-confidence leads to self-actualization and achievement.

It’s horrifying to consider the number of pathetic people who are restricted and made miserable by the condition known as the inferiority complex. The only option is to take the necessary actions to overcome by believing in your own abilities.

Key steps as follows;

Think to yourself why do you think these feelings of yours have no power — This takes time and requires a lot of self-analysis. We must approach the limitations of our emotional lives as if we were physically probing for something wrong. As I previously stated, this will undoubtedly take a long time, and the results will not be visible quickly. It may also take time to find a lasting solution. But, to get you through this immediate problem, the author advocates repeating a powerful affirmation three times after awakening, even before going into an important business meeting with workers, and proceeding it with a positive attitude that is “​ I can do all the things through Christ which strengthen me.”​ (Philippians 4:3).

Filling your mind with full faith is one of the most effective ways to eliminate the inferiority complex, which is another term for profound self-doubt. Develop strong confidence in God, which will lead to a humble, yet realistic, also that brings faith in yourself. Prayers are necessary for the acquisition of dynamic faith; yet, surface skimming, formalistic, and thoughtless prayer is insufficiently effective. Your prayers should be as deep as the problems themselves. Embrace your doubts, anxieties, and insecurities with your prayers. Deep, huge prayers will have a lot of suction, and you’ll end up with a strong, vibrant faith.

The book highlights that ordinary problems may be resolved by ordinary prayers but when big troubles come along, you have to pray deep prayers. to get anywhere with faith. “God will rate you according to the size of your prayers.”​, So the bigger the problem the bigger the prayer should be.

Practice these rules thoroughly and diligently and they will aid you in developing self-confidence by dissolving any of your inferior feelings. However, deeply embedded.

If your mind is obsessed by thoughts of any negative feelings such as inferior feelings it means that these thoughts have dominated your thinking patterns over a period of time. To dissolve these inferior feelings and inadequacy one way is to push yourself to update and practicing confidence concepts. However, it is also crucial to follow great self-discipline routines despite your busy schedule to re-educate your mind and make it a power-producing plant.

Lack of confidence is the most important thing to be considered by people today. Thousands upon thousands go crawling through life on their hands and knees, defeated and afraid. And in most of these cases, such frustrations are unnecessary. The number of problems you face in your daily lives tends to leave you depressed, and demotivated. In such conditions, the true status of your power is often obscured. It is vital to re-praise your personality in such situations and so this evaluation will convince you that you are less defeated than you think. One of the most powerful concepts, one which is sure to cure for lack of confidence. Is the simple thought that God is always with you and is helping you. No idea is so powerful in developing self-confidence as this simple belief when practiced. Several minutes in a day visualizing his presence, then practicing in believing the powerful affirmations.

Affirm it, visualize it, believe it and it will actualize itself.

The feeling of confidence depends on the type of thoughts that habitually occupy your mind. Think defeat and you can bound to feel defeated. But long practices of developing self-confidence and giving them the power to dominate these powerful thoughts within you will bring a strong sense of capacity that regardless of what difficulties you face it gives you the natural power to overcome anything.

Basil King once said, “Be bold, and mighty forces will come to your aid”​

These mighty forces might aid you in bringing such wonderful faith with experience and reconditioning your attitudes.

To sum up, how can you now bring self-confidence to yourself? Following the below workable steps allows you to overcome any inadequacy feeling and bringing in a strong faith in yourself. The book highlights that thousands and thousands have used these skills which have worked out for the best and we people also can feel the new power feeling.

  1. Visualize yourself a picture in your of you succeeding. Hold to this picture strongly and never allow it to fade. Your mind now will subconsciously develop this picture. On the other hand, never think of yourself as falling apart from your goals and dreams also never doubt the reality of the mental image. So always try to see and picture the good, no matter how bad things are moving at the moment.
  2. Keep in mind whenever you start to think of anything negative, pause and deliberate positive thoughts to eliminate and relish yourself.
  3. Do not build negative thoughts that destroy your imagination. Try to minimize them and these thoughts and difficulties should be studied by one effectively dealt to be eliminated also remember to see these difficulties as the way they are and try not too inflated by fear thoughts.
  4. Try not to be astonished by people around you and do not try to copy or be them because nobody can be as talented, effective as YOU are. Despite their confident appearance and attitude are as often as scared as you are and as doubtfully has themselves.
  5. Try to repeat these words ten times a day. “If God be for us then, who can be against us?”​
  6. Meet yourself a concealor to understand why you do what you do have a piece of good knowledge to yourself about the inferiority complex you face such as self-doubts that could have been dominated your mind since childhood. This leads to good self-knowledge and further to overcome.
  7. Make a true estimate of your own ability that brings in self-respect eliminating ego goals also put your beliefs to your own God-released powers.
  8. Put yourself into God’s hands hence your mind formulates now that you have the power to bring the influences to yourself. Feel it flowing into you, Affirm the kingdom of God is within you in the form of enough power to meet life’s demands.
  9. Remind yourself that God is within you and nothing can defeat you. Believe that you now receive all the power from him.

In conclusion, by reading this book you will gain a strong grasp on how not to be defeated by anything along your life’s path and how to enjoy peace of mind, improved health, and an ever-increasing flow of energy In other words, your lives will be more joyful and satisfying. The summary of the next few but great topics are to be discussed in my next article.



Nishma Mohideen

If you don't make the decision and do it, you'll never know if you can do something.